Who will be a candidate in the 2022 French presidential election?

Who will be a candidate in the 2022 French presidential election?

François Asselineau (Union populaire républicaine)

Marine Le Pen (National Assembly)

Jean-Frédéric Poisson (The Voice of the People)

Nicolas Dupont-Aignan (Stand Up France)

Jean-Luc Mélenchon (La France insoumise)

Nathalie Arthaud (Workers ‘ struggle)

Fabien Roussel (French Communist Party)

Jean Lassalle (Let’s Resist)

Philippe Poutou (New anti-capitalist party)

Florian Philippot, President of the Patriotes

Marie Cau

Hélène Thouy for the animalist party

Alexandre Langlois for a citizen movement ” neither right nor left”

Clara Egger

Jacline Mouraud

General Antoine Martine

Regis Ollivier

David M. Smith

Bruno Retailleau (Les Républicains)

Valérie Pécresse

Philippe Juvin

Sandrine Rousseau (EELV)

Eric Piolle (EELV)

Yannick Jadot (EELV)

Delphine Batho (Ecology Generation)

Pierre Larrouturou (New Deal)

Anne Hidalgo (Socialist Party)

Laurent Wauquiez (The Republicans)

Michel Barnier (The Republicans)

Emmanuel Macron (La République en marche)


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